Thursday, October 8, 2009

F is for Fantasy Film Play

One of the things Adrienne brought along for us to play with was Fantasy film. She showed me some of the fun things can be done with Fantasy Film. One of its properties is that it will adhere to itself when heated. Adrienne cut out one color of fantasy film in a wave shape and layered it between two sheets of "clear" fantasy film. Heated the fantasy film with a HOT iron (using parchment paper in between the fantasy film and the iron). The piece on the right was heated longer than the piece on the left. Another fun property of fantasy film is that it continues to change color the longer it's heated up. Adrienne says there is no waste to fantasy film, all the left over bits and pieces can be added to other projects (as an added bit is incorporated to the piece on the right).
Fantasy film will adhere to other surfaces with simple pva glue. Here a thin layer of glue was placed between the fantasy film and a small piece of mat board.
See how it adheres and shrinks a bit to the mat board when heated.
Below red fantasy film on dark blue mat board (left), light fantasy film on white mat board (center) and light fantasy film on dark blue mat board (right).

Go to Adrienne's blog to see many beautiful creations she has made with fantasy film. My favorite is the pear.

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