I was asked If I wanted to contribute a page for a deco book for Trish's BD, and I wanted to take part, because Trish is so inspirational and I've learned lots from her challanges and examples and encouragements. Even though I'm away from home and most of my supplies, I decided I could come up with something. I had stopped by a scrapbook store earlier and picked up a flourishes stamp set and some paper for another project when I returned home next month. Not having any images with me, or the ability to print images off the internet, I looked for images in magazines to use with the Packing Tape Transfer technique. My DIL had a couple of old magazines, I found some likely images and cut them out and covered them with packing tape. If I was at home, I'd have run my bone folder over the tape, to get out bubbles and get good adhesion, not having one here, I found my fingernail worked just as well.

I soaked the tape covered images in warm water for about 5 minutes, then rubbed off the paper on the back side, and cut out the images I decided to use.

Once I had a design in mind, we stopped at the local JoAnn's where I got a fine point permanent marker (can't have too many of these) and found a clear sticker on Laughter to add to the page. I wrote in one of my favorite quotes from Emily Dickinson on the back page.
I didn't realize this photo was so blurry until after I sent this off across the pond to be added to Trish's deco.

Packing tape transfer is a great way to add images to projects, I like how you can see the paper/other images through through the images.
Now that sounds feasible, even to me... you made great pages for Trish's BD book Carol. Love your artwork!
Carol, welcome back :) Annie
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