Saturday, December 31, 2011

Frosty De-boss (not quite)

If you haven't seen Tammy Tutterow's post on Frosty De-boss, it's worth checking out!!!
I was going for a different look (not winter), but had trouble with keeping most of the crackle paint in the de-bossed areas. Oh well, I like the background I made and want to give this another go another day.
I colored a piece of Manila folder with Distress inks and some gold acrylic paint and let it dry.
 Placed in an embossing folder so the image is de-bossed.
 Generously spread rock candy Distress crackle paint over the surface working it into the de-bossed areas. Used piece of cardboard to wipe off most of the crackle paste from the surface of the card (leaving crackle paste in the de-bossed areas). Tammy recommends using a piece of chipboard to scrape off the crackle paint, that might be the reason I didn't get enough of the crackle paint scraped off.
 Here's a close up after the crackle paint dried.
 Sprayed with a home made mister with brown ink and perfect pearls.
 Stamped text over the surface with dark brown StazOn ink. Then coated the surface with a thin layer of q. azo nickel gold acrylic paint.


  1. That is one beautiful background!!! Cool technique! Congrats on your win today...happy new year!!!

  2. What a great way to start 2012! Congrats on being chosen by Tim. You do have an awesome blog and I love those tutorials.

  3. Happy New Year Carol. I just wanted to stop by and congratulate you on having your name chosen on Tim's blog! What an awesome prize, have fun with your new goodies!
