Friday, October 21, 2011

Book Study - Gesso

 On NGS group, we're doing a study of Darlene Olivia McElroy & Sandra Duran Wilson's book "Surface Treatment workshop" This week we're looking at the section "Gesso".
There are many things you can do with gesso and texture (see the labels side bar on the left column and click on gesso).
The authors mentioned using a palette knife to apply gesso will give a smoother texture than using a paintbrush, which give a fabric like texture. Like an example in the book, started with black gesso, let dry.
 Create design and texture as desired with white or light colored gesso (you can tint gesso  with acrylic paint). I used found objects to stamp on the gesso, some packing material.], here.
 And a plastic coated sponge (it's fun using objects already in the house). (If you do use a rubber stamp to apply gesso, wash it off before the gesso dries on the rubber)
 I like the drama of the white on black gesso. If desired the gesso could be colored with acrylic paints or inks.
 Another use of gesso seen in the book is to draw a design, write text or scribble into wet gesso. I used the blunt end of a paintbrush. Let gesso dry, depending on how thick the gesso is, will determine how long it takes the gesso to dry.
 Then stain the gesso, by applying paint (used q. nickel azo gold acrylic paint) over the gesso and then rub off the excess paint.
Other techniques with gesso noted by the authors are to use gesso to embed papers and objects in to your surface. Use diluted gesso as a wash to unify the surface of a collage. Create more texture by applying gesso with a texture element like corrugated cardboard.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I have this book, but still haven't tried a thing. Thanks for the inspiration. :)
