Friday, September 23, 2011

F is for Foxy Oxi

I have done many "F" techniques and was excited to fine one I haven't seen before on Split Coast Stampers and decided to play with it.
 Did a Direct to Paper (DTP) application of light purple Distress ink over matte card stock.
 Then colored the card stock with a variety of purple Distress inks with a blending tool.

Sprinkle Oxy Clean over the ink. The spray water over the Oxy Clean and ink, let sit for about 30 seconds. Then brush off the powdered Oxy Clean when dry (it's ok to use a heat tool to speed up the drying).

I like how it looks.

Decided to try this technique on other papers. 
Did same colors of purple Distress inks DTP on a coated card stock.
 Followed the same steps, was surprised how much the Distress inks faded on the coated card stock, 
but love how it looks.
 Next used a Manila folder as the card stock, same purple Distress inks DTP over all.
 Followed the same steps. The ink stayed nice and intense on the Manila Folder.
 It is interesting to see how different the inks worked with this technique on the different papers. 
I like them all!

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