Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 7 Tim Inspired Christmas ATCs

 These ATCs use some of the techniques Tim Holtz uses in his Day 7 Tags.
For the background, cut Manila folder to size. Tim placed two different Distress Stains on a craft sheet and sprayed water on the card then dropped the card into the stains to pick up the colors, I only have picket fence Distress Stain, so I decided to try mixing some re-inkers with this Distress Stain.
 The re-inker colors were very intense, even with the little bit of Distress Stain. So I placed more Distress Stain on the craft sheet...
 and placed the card back down. Then splattered with some drops of water and heat set. I like how this turned out.
 Also dried placing re-inkers on craft sheet and spritzing them with water to dilute, place the water misted card down in the ink then again down into the picket fence Distress Ink. I also splattered it with drops of water and heat set. This also turned out well:
 Roughed up the edges with a distress tool and colored the edges with tea dye Distress Ink. Then did what Tim calls ghost stamping,  "stamp crackle and music backgrounds on tag by holding the stamp in both hands, bend the stamp and just roll on part of the stamp to the tag.  this will give the image and random faded-out effect. Love the look!
 Then I stamped an angel image with black Archival Ink on the cards.

 Next technique of Tim's I tried was alcohol inks on glassine paper (he has a great video showing several different technique with glassine paper, including running through an ink jet paper). Cut some glassine paper and dabbed on a mixture of alcohol inks, gold metallic mixative and blending solution, then heat set.
 Crumble the glassine paper a lot. Cut into shapes. Run Distress Ink over the surface and heat set.
 Used the glassine paper on this one to make a mini poinsettia. Wrote words and colored in the wings and words on the banner with a white gel pen. Used gold leafing pen to highlight the halo.
 Colored these atc the same as the one above. Added the yellow/gold glassine paper to make a star burst, added a metal star center. Wrote the word SING and used gold embossing paper over the letters and heat set.

1 comment:

  1. A good way to use the glassine paper we all bought! I'll have to check out Tim's website too.
