Thursday, October 27, 2011

More Fabric Beads

 This afternoon was my turn to teach at the Creative ART Camp in Wisconsin. I taught fabric beads. You can see the instructions here. Everyone seemed to have fun with this project:
I did some fabric painting and some stamping on batik fabrics.
 When I removed some of the plastic wrap from this mornings' project, there was still enough glimmer mist to color some muslin. I did some fabric painting on them also and turned them into beads.
 These are the stamped batik fabric beads. Some I tied on fibers. Others I added some Diamond Glaze and rolled in micro beads.
 The first set of fabric painted beads. All have tied on fibers, some also have beads added.
 These are from the muslin colored with Glimmer Mists. Some I added copper wire and beads. The others were covered with Diamond Glaze then rolled in clear glitter with a few red micro beads.
Fun collection of beads!

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