Monday, September 26, 2011

Book Study: Stamping with Objects

On NGS group we're starting a new book study using Darlene Olivia McElroy & Sandra Duran Wilson's book "Surface Treatment workshop".  I highly recommend this book. I may look at each section, but couldn't begin to cover all the wonderful tips, troubleshooting and variations they pack into this book. Also their color photography and examples are fabulous!

The authors recommend using found objects to add visual interest to your projects because acrylic paint may clog up and damage the rubber in the rubber stamps (most are made to be used with inks). I think the found objects also add a lot of interest and make your projects unique.
In the book, Darlene and Sandra, discuss how techniques can be used as additive, subtractive, in combination and/or as resist techniques. For this project, I decided to play with both the additive and subtractive uses of stamping with objective. Started with white card stock. Painted a layer of  terra cotta colored acrylic paint on the one on the left.
  Used a tile trivet to remove some of the paint, then used that same trivet to add the paint to the one on the right.
Once the paint dried, I wanted to keep playing by layering this technique over the backgrounds I started. I painted a mixture of butterscotch acrylic paint and acrylic glazing liquid over the one on the right. Used the acrylic glazing liquid to thin the paint and allow the squares in the first layer to be seen.
A different trivet was used to remove the yellow paint from the one on the right. After cleaning the paint off the trivet, I painted a different portion of the trivet to apply the same colored paint to the one on the left. These look great and I could stop here, but I wanted to keep playing with layering this technique.
For the last layer I used a thimble with q. nickel azo gold acrylic paint and stamped it multiple times over both backgrounds using the different ends of the thimble to get different sized circles.
 Using the same paints with the same objects I obtained very different backgrounds. I like them both. I am going to start looking at what I have around the house very differently from now on!


  1. Wow, you go better results than I expected. I have read the book and found it a bit confusing and overwhelming. Good job!

  2. I am waiting for my book. Where did you get the trivets? I like the look of your samples they are great.

  3. One of my children made the tile trivet at church camp. The metal one was from Pampered Chef.
