Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Study - Scribble Stain Distress

On NGS group we are doing a book study of Tim Holtz's book "A Compendium of Curiosities". This week we're looking at the section, "Scribble Stain Distress". This another technique that will look different every time you do it.
Rub Distress inks on to a craft sheet, use colors as desired.
Lightly drag the tip of a color of Distress Re-inker across the inked craft sheet. Make squiggles as desired.
Mist the inks with water from a fine spray mister.
Press card stock/paper/tag onto the ink and drag it across the sheet, cover entire paper with ink.
Again mist the tag with water to activate the Distress Re-inker and allow the ink to spread around (I think I used too much water in this step).
Dry the ink with a heat tool until dry.
Here's my finished sheet.
Used a piece of manilla folder to pick up more of the ink on the craft sheet, I like this one.
Used another piece of white card stock to pick up the remainder of the ink on the craft sheet. Like this one also.

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