Thursday, February 24, 2011

G is for textured Glue Resist

This is another technique from Trish's blog, I don't think I've played with this one before.
Add small amount of glue to mat card stock and spread around, having more card than glue. While glue is still wet, quickly blast glue with heat gun. Glue will bubble up where it is thick. Let glue dry.
Use black ink to stamp on an image. Trish used Memories ink, which stayed on the glue. I used VersaFine, which you'll see, did not stay on the glue. Make sure ink is dry before continuing.
Cover the card with pigment ink. Use a paper towel to wipe ink off of glue.
Also tried this technique on a manilla folder with a small amount of glue and heated it up. Stamped image with dark brown StazOn ink. This ink also does not adhere to the glue.
Used Brilliance and StazOn ink to color the card, and wiped off the excess ink with a paper towel.
This technique makes a very distressed look.

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