Monday, February 28, 2011

G is for Gesso Off

This is another technique from the Technique Junkie Newsletter.
Brush on a thin layer of gesso over a piece of colored card stock.
Quickly, as the gesso is still wet, press a stamp firmly into the gesso a lift off and wipe the gesso off the stamp between each time used to press into the gesso. Do not allow the gesso to dry on your stamps. Let dry.
Piece on the left was done on light green card stock and the one on the right was done on red card stock. You can leave the backgrounds like this or
you can color the gesso with dye ink.
I like the technique both ways.
Decided to try this technique with black gesso over grey card stock. Even though I pressed firmly the stamp did not pick up enough of the gesso to reveal the card stock underneath.
Rubbed blue Metallic Rub-On over the surface to reveal the image in the texture. I like this foggy appearance:


  1. I love the white gesso on colored card stock...thanks for describing it so well!

  2. LOVE this technique... your step by step instructions are great, can't wait to try it! TFS
    Sharon F.
