Saturday, February 5, 2011

Book Study - Hand-Stitching

On NGS group we are doing a book study of Bernie Berlin's book "Artist Trading Card Workshop". This week we're looking at the section "Hand-Stitching". In the book, Berinie starts by making an ATC base of stuffed fabric that she hand stitches the edges. and then added more stitching and buttons. I decided to do hand stitching on a paper based ATC.
Layered a vintage image onto a background I had and stamped words onto edges of dictionary page that had previously sprayed with a solution of gold Perfect Pearls and the section with the word "loyalty". Then used a 1/8th hole punch to create holes for stitching.
Used brown embroidery floss for the stitches and added a decorative button. Colored the edges of the ATC with brown StazOn ink.

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