Thursday, January 6, 2011

Book Review - Resin Fresco

On NGS group we are studying Bernie Berlin's book "Artist Trading Card Workshop". This week we are looking at the section "Resin Fresco". I love the texture of this technique.
Randomly dab embossing ink onto the card and then sprinkle on Ultra thick embossing enamel (utee). Heat set until the utee is melted, but not until it looses it texture and becomes glass like.
Let the utee cool.
Brush gesso over the embossed card and let dry.
Dry brush one or more colors of acrylic paint over the gesso and let dry.
Fabulous texture, these will be great backgrounds:


  1. I love the texture of this technique!! I should review my book because I don't remember this one.

  2. Oh, this is lovely! the colors are fantastic, in additon to the great texture.
    I need to get going on these!

