Friday, December 3, 2010

Book Study - String

On NGS group we are studying Bernie Berlin's book "Artist Trading Card Workshop", this week we're looking at the section on string. Wrap string (or twine or yarn or other fiber) around the card, secure with one or more knots. Cover the entire front of the card and string with gesso and let dry.
Add images to the card with gel medium. Bernie used several images, placing some over the string. I wanted to use this image and wished I had added the yarn covered gesso afterwards, but I was able to get the image under the yarn. Bernie recommends softening the edges of the images with gesso, I achieved a similar look by tearing out the image I used.
Paint the card with washes of color. I made washes by adding acrylic glazing liquid with a mixture of acrylic paints. Let dry.
To finish my ATC, I painted and "broke" (with wire cutters) a lock charm using black alcohol ink, and attached to some of the yarn. Also added some words:
Check out Bernie's book, she has examples from a variety of artists using string on ATCs in a variety of ways.

1 comment:

  1. Love this!!!! And the idea is great. Thanks for challenging us. Right now I'm in the midst of Christmas cards (yes, I'm really late this year!), and preparing for a day with the grandgirls on Monday.
