Thursday, December 16, 2010

Book Study - Fun Foam

6On NGS group, we are studying Bernie Berlin's book "Artist Trading Card Workshop". This week's section is "Fun Foam". You can use pre-cut fun foam shapes or cut your own. I used a Tim Holtz die to cut out a lock shape. Adhere the fun foam to your ATC back with gel medium and let dry.
Cover the fun foam and card with a layer of gesso, let dry. Then paint over the whole thing with acrylic paint color of your choice and let dry.
Bernie suggests using quick-drying pigment ink for the next step. I've been wanting to use this copper StazOn ink I picked up. I created my own ink pad by using a piece of cut n dry foam. Used a large script stamp to stamp the copper ink over the foam and card and let dry.
I really liked how this turned out:
I printed some images on to a transparency, cut them out and adhered them to the card back. Colored some numbers from a turn phone book page and glued to the side. Cut out some dictionary page with the word "care" and glued to the inside of the key hole. And added two brads. Fun!!!!


  1. Hi Carol,

    This is really lovely, it certainly doesn't look at all like fun foam. Great job.

    Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

  2. It looks really great, Carol!

    Warm Christmas wishes to you and yours! Health, Happiness and may all of your dreams come true for 2011!

    Big hugs,

  3. You always inspire me. Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful ideas. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to your and yours.
